During year 2009 Yoray moved back his base to Israel, from there he is freelancing for international and domestic magazines and represented by Getty Images Photo Assignment. Yoray started his professional work in 1997 as a freelance photographer for Gamma and AFP, covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In 1999, he moved to feature and documentary photography and relocated his base to NYC. There he worked on long-term stories and traveled to Central America. In year 2000 he moved to live in Paris, France and worked with the French agency Editing. He continued traveling regularly to cover the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and worked, on assignment, on many other subjects, among others, the Moldova-Transnistrian conflict (for GEO magazine), the Zapatistas in Mexico, The conflict in Afghanistan (Der Spiegel), and more. In 2004, his curiosity of living in a Muslim society moved Yoray to relocated his base, again, and this time to Istanbul, Turkey. In his new base, he worked on secularism and religion in Turkish society - youth and nightlife in Istanbul, Muslim Sufism, Sunnite Ramadan and more. From Turkey Yoray also covered events internationally, among others; Kyrgyzstan revolution (for The NY Times).
Yoray Liberman

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